Hispanic Students Near School Bus Wearing Face Masks

Covid-19: Summary of Guideline to Reopen Schools

As the state of California prepares to fully reopen its economy on June 15th, like many parents, your main concern is with the public school plan to maintain a safe learning environment for your children after they return to in-person instruction. In this article, we address this concern by summarizing the latest covid-19 guidelines. Importantly, we also provide relevant resources to help you find the answers you are looking for.

Is There a Standard on Whether or Not to Open or Close Schools for In-Person Learning?

The key takeaway is, yes, there is one standard that districts are using as the foundation of their reopening policy. On March 30, 2021, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) released guidelines for returning to in-person classroom instruction during the covid-19 pandemic. The CDPH created the covid-19 guidelines to deliver safe and successful in-person instruction.

What are Some Specific Examples of the Standardized Guidelines for Covid-19?

  1. Cohorting: These are organized groups consisting of students and supervising adults who remain together throughout the day for all activities, including meals and recess.
  2. Employee & Student Temperature Checks/Screenings: Required before employees and students can enter the workplace. Valley Alarm has cutting-edge solutions for this requirement. Contact us to learn more.
  3. Limited On-Campus Density: Specifies that the total on-campus population at any one time does not exceed 25% of the total student body for that campus.
  4. Face Mask: Required for anyone entering school property (e.g., students, parents, employees, or vendors).

What is The Main Risk Factor for Potential Covid-19 Outbreaks After Returning to In-Person Classroom Instruction?

The CDPH states on their website that children do not seem to be a major source of transmission of covid-19. However, the greater risk is the transmission of the virus from one adult to another. Therefore, the CDPH concludes that transmission can be minimized in schools, particularly in elementary schools, with the right safety precautions. As such, the CDPH has codified this finding into a set of guidelines. The CDPH distributed them to counties and school districts throughout the state.


The CDPH has evidence that shows coronavirus transmission amongst children is low. However, covid-19 transmission in schools is more likely to occur between adults. Per the CDPH, implementing appropriate prevention measures can mitigate transmission risks. These measures have been codified into a set of protocols. The protocols have been sent to counties throughout the state and implemented by the school districts within each county.

Additional Research and Recommended Reading

Edward Michel
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