Halloween is one of the most exciting times of the year for children! Valley Alarm keeps the safety of your family in mind so we’d like to share the following tips with our customers:
Light up the night: Equip your kids with flashlights and glow sticks. Be sure to also keep your home well-lit; burglars use Halloween night as an opportunity to scout for empty homes.
Know your route: It is much safer to take your kids trick or treating in a neighborhood you’re familiar with. Also, avoid dark neighborhoods.
Stick together: Kids should always stay within a group accompanied by a responsible adult.
Costumes: All costumes, wigs, and accessories should be fire-resistant. If your child is using make-up for their costume, make sure it’s non-toxic.
Check all treats: Treats are always the best part of Halloween for a kid, but it’s always a good idea to inspect their candy bag before they get a chance to dig in.

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